Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Accessories for your Military challenge coins

Preserving the integrity of your Military challenge coins is important. Needless to say, you don’t want your military challenge coins to depreciate with time. It should also be noted that when military challenge coins are defaced in any way such as when they have holes or rust, they are technically not considered as challenge coins anymore. They cannot be used to ‘challenge’ as military servicemen traditionally use them for. This will greatly depreciate the value of your collection. In order to stop this from happening, preserving military challenge coins is important. Fortunately, there are plenty of accessories to choose from nowadays that can easily help with preservation. Here are a few options for your collection:

Acrylic Presentation Cases:
Acrylic can be quite expensive but they’re great options when it comes to showing off your military coins. Because it is transparent, you can easily see your collection. Apart from its aesthetic significance, it’s also functional since you won’t have to constantly put each military challenge coin in and out if you want to clean them or show them off. This lessens their chances of being damaged. 

Multilevel Coin Holders
Similar to jewelry boxes, coin holders come in a variety of materials from wood lined with fabric or felt to metal cases. Be sure your military challenge coins have a comfortable spot to park on. It is ideal that they be propped in cloth or foam. It is also ideal that they don’t rub with each other in order not to attract rust from one another the same way a fruit rots faster when they’re beside another rotten fruit. 

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